Statement from the Norwegian Ambassador

Read a statement by the Norwegian Ambassador H.E.Ine Måreng on the currents state of affairs in relations between the Embassy and the Norwegian business community in Latvia, staff changes at the Embassy and upcoming events:
"I hope you all have had a great Summer! Of the many visits and events during my first year here in Latvia, the meetings with and visits to many of you, the members of NCCL, have been a priority. Thank you for your time and warm welcome. I am impressed and most grateful for the cooperation with and support of NCCL. The Embassy team is looking forward to a new season of close cooperation with your eminent CEO Ilze, the board and all the members.
There has been some changes to the team over the Summer period. We reluctantly said goodbye to Jannicke Bain and Agnese Cimdina. Also our two trainees this Spring, Magnus Johannessen and Sara Øverli have left to continue their studies. Please welcome our new colleague and deputy Hilde Berit Eide as well as our two interns for the fall - William Tiller and Jete Gabriela Rastina.
It is going to be an eventful last half year of 2023 not only with a new team, but also with several business and cultural events. Worth mentioning here, is the delegation of Norwegian wind energy companies touring the Baltics with meetings in Riga 6 September. Also, there is the exhibition of Håkon Gullvågs portraits of Maris Jansons and the concert 8 December to mark that the latter would have been 80 years in 2023.
For those of you who are registered for voting in the Norwegian local election 2023 and would like to cast your vote here I Riga, the Embassy is the place up to 1 September.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions – as we also will do!"

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